Please take time to read this... !!!very important!!!

7 Steps On How To Stop Your Dog From Barking

Dogs have several different barks - They do not all mean the same thing: They may be; they may be aggressive; they may be bored, hungry, or too cold or hot, they may want attention or they may be excited.

Here are 7 Options to get your dog to stop barking:

Step One
Think of your pet as a human - try the basic needs - hunger thirst etc
Your dog might be trying to tell you something.
Remove your dog's motivation for barking.

Step Two
Consider what's making your dog bark - Imagine you are the dog.
Does he need to go outside?
Has he seen a cat or birds outside the window?

Step Three
Invest in a no-bark collar, which is effective and not cruel. When your dog barks, the collar sprays a small amount of citronella, which dogs hate.

Step Four
Use an Anti bark device if the dog is outside. The manufacturers state it works up to 50-feet of the dog.
The dog barking will set off the device, which sends out an ultrasonic blast of 130db. The dog will hear it but humans won't.

Step Five
Use positive reinforcement to train your dog to bark on command - Give him a treat or a rub as an incentive to bark.
If a dig can bark on command, he can learn how to be quieted on command as well.

Step Six
Say "Good" and encourage your dog when your pet exhibits good behavior, then give him a treat and praise him.

Step Seven
Consult a veterinary behaviorist or a pet behaviorist for additional suggestions on how to stop your dog from barking.

Cant sleep as your dog is barking?
Does your dog do other annoying things?
Solve this now and relax: Check out the Dog Doctor to Solve your Problems

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